7 beauty benefits of coffee that we bet you didn’t know!
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Last updated on - Aug 9, 2017, 17:32 IST01/87 beauty benefits of coffee that we bet you didn’t know!
While it has become a common practice to fuel ourselves with coffee to minus out the hustle-bustle of our metropolitan lives, what we don't know is that coffee has a few beauty benefits too. It is a given that coffee has properties that can do wonders for you, it is also scientifically proven that coffee is a 'wonder drink'. And so, if coffee can act as a boost internally, it is also a drink that is essential for your skin. Here are seven beauty benefits that coffee has we bet you didn't know!
02/8Protects your skin
Several studies were done on the benefits of the coffee which state that it can help prevent cancer. The antioxidants in coffee also can protect your skin from ultraviolet rays which are otherwise harsh on your skin. Coffee can not only act as a boosting agent internally but also help protect breakage of the external skin.
03/8Brighten your skin
One must try a coffee mask for a radiant and glowing skin. Mix coffee powder with a teaspoon of milk and apply on your face to get rid of dull and dry skin cells. Wash with lukewarm water after leaving the mask on for 10-15 minutes, and then you will see your skin bright and glowing.
04/8Get rid of puffy eyes
Deadlines, work commitments and family obligations do put us through a lot of stress which can give us sleepless nights. All the stress you take can leave you with dark circles and puffy eyes. And so, what better way to get rid of puffy eyes than to apply grounded coffee. Apply it 10-20 minutes before your bath and then rinse off the grounds with cold water.
05/8Hair and scalp exfoliator
Just like your skin, your hair scalp too needs exfoliators to get rid of dry and dead cells. Apply ground coffee to wet scalp and massage in circular motions before you wash it off with your regular shampoo and conditioners.
06/8Increases blood circulation
This one trick to improve blood circulation is not only easy but also fun. Coffee ice cubes are all you need. One can make these coffee ice cubes in advance and use them to rejuvenate the skin and increase blood circulation. This activity if done often will also help prevent puffiness in your eyes and will result in brighter and healthier skin.
07/8Minimise body cellulite
Coffee can be a genius ingredient to help minimise body cellulite. One of the most helpful properties of coffee is that it tightens your skins and can be used a scrub to exfoliate your skin.
08/8Soothe your feet
Coffee added to coconut oil can work magically for a foot massage. Apart from the feel good factor about the massage, coffee and coconut oil will help repair rough foot skin.