01/5Dry brush your body for these benefits

Dry brush your body for these benefits

What is dry brushing?: If you're wondering what we're talking about, dry brushing is basically brushing your body with a particular type of brush in long, even-pressure strokes in a specific pattern, usually towards the heart. This is usually done in the morning before showering. Not only does it make you feel invigorated, it also leaves you feeling fresh and energised.


02/5Kind of brushes to use

Kind of brushes to use

When picking out a brush make sure that you pick one with firm and natural bristles. It'll also make your job a lot easier if the handle of the brush is long as this will help you reach your back and even the bottom of your feet without having to strain too much. You can also opt for a brush with cactus bristles as this will really work well on the body.


03/5Benefits of dry brushing

Benefits of dry brushing

It helps in the stimulation of lymph nodes which are responsible for collecting the waste from your blood. It helps in exfoliation by getting rid of dead skin from the body. It helps clear up your pores and also reduces the appearance of cellulite on your body. It increases your blood circulation which helps you feel energised and also helps you stay toned while boosting your immune system.


04/5How to dry brush

How to dry brush

You should start at the soles of your feet and work upwards towards your heart. Brush your legs at least 8 to 10 times and make sure to brush in long even strokes. Repeat the same process for your hands. Start with your palms and brush towards the centre of your body. Brush gently in circular motions on your stomach and armpits. Repeat the same on your back, chest and abdomen. For your face use a soft brush and gently massage from the forehead downwards along the edges of your face, tracing the hairline.


05/5Things to note:

Things to note:

Remember to brush before showering as this helps get rid of the dead skins in your body and also opens up your pores. Also, remember to brush gently. Don't be harsh on your skin and remember to be gentle with your strokes. Once you're done showering, apply a good moisturising lotion to keep your skin smooth and supple.
